If you are in danger please call 911
Our free confidential hotline
is available 24/7
(352) 521-3120
state wide toll free 1-800-500-1119

All services are free, confidential, and available to victims of domestic violence of any race, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, education, religion, economic background, immigration status, or language.
Intervention and Prevention
Using an empowerment model, the agency is made up of two major areas: intervention and prevention.
The Intervention Team is made up of advocates who help participants set their own goals and then plan with them to help reach those goals.
The Prevention Team focuses on training in the community through schools, law enforcement, and various health care providers. We want to get in front of the violence before it can even start.
Emergency Shelter
This temporary home serves survivors of intimate partner violence, survivors of sexual assault and human trafficking survivors.
Sunrise provides this confidential shelter for survivors of domestic and sexual violence who do not feel safe in their own home. The shelter has qualified counselors for you and your children, a case manager, and is staffed with shelter managers who are there to help. The shelter has a capacity for 40 women and children.
Men who are survivors can seek services through Sunrise, and should call the hotline for more information.

We believe you.
It's not your fault.

You'll have direct access to:
40 bed capacity, communal living environment
Bilingual staff (English/Spanish)
Food, communal kitchen
Clothing, basic living and hygienic supplies
Safety planning
Goal setting, counseling, support groups
Legal services
Children's services
Relocation assistance
The certified staff at Sunrise work to help you with your goals using individualized service plans.
Our goal is to help empower you with your decisions. We have an empowerment-based environment and wish to help you navigate obstacles such as career placement, education programs, substance abuse, and mental health support centers.
We are here to help. If we are unable to provide you with the help you need, we will do our best to connect you with another agency that can.

Contact Sunrise Outreach
Sunrise provides free counseling, advocacy, and support services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence as well as family or friends that have been impacted by violence through our Outreach Program.
The Outreach offices are open Monday-Friday from 8 am - 5 pm and are located at 12720 Smith Road, Dade City, FL 33525 and 5642 Meadowlane Street, New Port Richey, FL 34652.
Extended hours are available by appointment.